


英文星報《The Star》今日在一篇專題報導中引述金融專家的言論指出,今年已高齡88歲的丹斯里鄭鴻標將在今年底正式引退。按照大馬金融法令規定,他個人名下的23.4%大眾銀行股權,必須脫售至少13.4%!















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目前大眾銀行的行政管理權是由鄭鴻標指定的管理團隊共同負責,領導這個管理團隊的,是跟隨丹斯里鄭鴻標40多年的丹斯里鄭雅力Tan Sri Teh Ah Lek。

Who really controls Public Bank?

The almost instant answer that popped up was – Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow. That was the obvious owner, considering the billionaire banker owns 23.4% of the third-largest bank in the country and was worth some RM21.55bil as of the end of last year.

However, by the time the dinner was over with an empty bottle of whisky, the group of bankers agreed that the real owner of Public Bank was Bank Negara.

Why Bank Negara?

Because the central bank keeps a close watch on the banking industry and is the regulator that approves shareholders of the financial institutions – all for good reason. In some ways, it has a rein on the shareholding changes in Public Bank.

Teh is 88 years old and does not seem to have a successor to run his banking outfit. At the moment, a team of seasoned bankers who have been with Teh for many years manage the bank.

Teh does not handle the day-to-day matters. He only looks at the 「bigger picture」 – which is actually a very big one if one were to look at how the bank』s shareholding will be resolved in the years to come.

With some 23.4% under his name, Teh is one of the few individuals allowed to hold more than 10% in a financial institution.

Under the Banking and Financial Institution Act (Bafia), individuals are only allowed to hold up to 10% in financial institutions. However, the bankers are allowed to hold a bigger stake in their banks due to a rule termed as the 「grandfather rule」 where individuals who have been holding interest in banks for a long time are exempted from complying with the Bafia.

But this rule only applies to the individuals. It is not a privilege extended to their children.

This leaves the owners with a problem – how do they pass on their wealth to the next generation or keep it intact so that their legacy will remain.

Bankers familiar with the issues of succession in financial institutions say that these tycoons are not even allowed to move their shareholding to a trust.

However, the problem lies with the stakes held by Teh. He have little choice but to gradually reduce his stakes. And when that happens, the regulator has a big say in who emerges as the new substantial shareholder.

So, is it correct to say that Bank Negara has a big say on who controls Public Bank? On paper, the central bank is definitely not the owner and has said that it does not dictate terms.